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La vie en Israel en 1948
Posté par: darlett (IP enregistrè)
Date: 16 aot 2009 : 05:55


par Ben Atlas

Ces documents et photos sont le resultat d'une recherche intensive de la part du Blogger "Ben Aatlas" [] sur la fameuse revue LIFE MAGAZINE.

Ce travail est la premiere partie seulement et il se fait en anglais. Je vais tenter les traductions au fur et a mesure car les legendes des images sont extremement importantes.

Je precise que c'est par l'UPJF que j'ai pris connaissance de ces photos qui constituent un temoignage extremement significatif et important pour une meilleure comprehension du conflit.

Photo 1 - Petite fille de 7 ans, Rachel Levy, fuyant les maisons de Jerusalem
mises a feu par les Arabes apres leur reddition.
28 Mai 1948 - John Philips


Photo 2 - Des familles juives fuyant la vieille ville de Jerusalem
par la "Porte de Sion" - Juin 1948. John Philips


Photo 3 - Familles juives evacuees de la ville.
Juin 1948 - John Philips


Photo 4 - Un avion egyptien abattu sur la plage de Tel-Aviv
Mai 1948 - Frank Scherschel


Photo 5 - Preparation de sacs de sable a Tel-Aviv.
Juin 1948 - Frank Scherschel


Photo 6 - Refugies arabes sur le quai, Haifa, Israel
Mai 1948, John Philips


Photo 7 - 2 Rabbins en conference avec des soldats legionaires arabes.
Juin 1948, John Philips.


Photo 8 - Rabbin sepharade discutant les termes de la capitulation
du quartier juif de Jerusalem avec des legionnaires arabes.
Juin 1948, John Philips


Photo 9 - Un enfant juif mangeant des Matsots, Jerusalem
Juin 1948, John Philips


Photo 10 - Soldats juifs surveilles par des legionnaires arabes
apres leur capitulation a Jerusalem - Juin 1948, John Philips


La vie en Israel en 1948
Posté par: darlett (IP enregistrè)
Date: 16 aot 2009 : 06:27

Un soldat juif capture et assis entre 2 membres de la Legion arabe.
Jerusalem, Israel. Juin 198, John Philips


Commentaires de Frank Adams : Un autre detail important sur la photo des 3 hommes assis : le prisonnier juif en short avec les 2 gardes arabes. Le caporal a droite est un negre. Et alors ? Les negres les plus proches de la Terre Sainte sont ceux du Soudan (Sud de l'Egypte) ou bien des esclaves en fuite de l'Arabie Seoudite. Quoiqu'il en soit, il s'agit d'un immigrant dans la region, une des principales revendications arabes vis-a-vis de l'immigration sioniste juive.

Ceci demontre aussi l'astucieux recrutement de la Legion arabe dont un certain nombre furent recrute a l'exterieur de la Jordanie, au Sud de la Syrie, au Liban, Arabie Seoudite, Irak et de Palestine, celles qu'on appelait communement, les terres situees a l'Ouest du Jourdan.

Photo 11 - Le Major James M. Hankin Turvin en conversation
avec le lieutenant Abdallah Mogely. Israel 1948, John Philips


Photo 12 - Un legionnaire arabe en garde au quartier juif de Jerusalem.
Juin 1948, John Philips.


La vie en Israel en 1948
Posté par: darlett (IP enregistrè)
Date: 18 aot 2009 : 19:23

.../... (Je traduirai plus tard)

Frank Adam comments:

" the status & responsibility of client state troops is politcally nice. The Arab Legion was British equipped, trained and had a lot of British field officers (majors & colonels) and its commander all, “on contract,” or, “secondment.” In 1920 – 46 it was the originally gendarmerie desert patrol force of the Emirate of Transjordan which the British had created within the Eastern part of the Palestine Mandate. In English English, “gendarmerie” is a nationally organised, armed but police force at the direction of civil power, local and central (state troopers in US?). Britain audited TJ’s books ie approved the budget, and supplied quite a few senior civil officers all supervised by a Resident who reported to the High Commissioner in Jerusalem his immediate local senior, and directly to the Colonial Office, London. So in the 1941 Iraqi campaign and for internal security ie guard duties in Palestine 1945-47 inclusive, the Arab Legion was available (from ‘46, turning itself into an “army”) to the British commander in Palestine or Iraq as another British unit – having formally asked for their service through usual channels from the Transjordanian government which was internally fairly independent – or had to be treated as such to keep up appearances and so political effectiveness. In 1946 the British signed a treaty with Transjordan to become the Kingdom of Jordan and so strictly an ally, rather than a dependent territory – but it depended on a pa sub of £4 ($11) million from London till the 50’s when Hussein fired Glubb and the US after ‘56 gradually substituted for UK as it frequently has across the World since 1945, but in its own variations of retired officers on contract in Kossovo Iraq and other locations.

Nevertheless there are press photos of Legionaries on duty in Jerusalem’s “Bevingrad” in ‘46-’47 as it was Bevin’s initial policy that the Arab parts of Palestine would go in with Jordan – by one of his remarks. Eventually the Jordanian Government withdrew the Legion by early ‘48 from West of the Jordan entirely, till Abdullah invaded Palestine in May ‘48. By the memoirs and statements of the time any British seconded officers had returned to their own British units or were kept East of the Jordan, but there were still some contract officers in the force across the River.

Just in case this all sounds ad hoc if not outright louche, it is the stuff of British avoidance of systematic big thinking and as a defence measure in the 1941 “flap” when it looked as if Rommel might break through Egypt, the British incorporated the Palestine Police – a civilian formation albeit armed – into the British Army. As such it sent a detachment to march in the victory parade in London.

Legionaires arabes combattant a travers la muraille de Jerusalem.
May 1948 - John Phillips


2 soldats israeliens - Mai 1948 - Frank Scherschel


Arrivee illegale d'immigrants juifs, refugies et arretes a bord du navire
par les troupes britanniques peu avant la creation officielle de l'Etat d'Israel
- Haifa 1948 - Dimitri Kessel


Fran Adam Commenst: The half platoon of helmeted British troops on the quay waiting for the illegal immigrants to (be?) disembarked are Parachute Regiment. The giveaway is – unlike the usual British “battle bowler” souplate design from the 14-18 trench war – the brimless helmet developed for airborne units (2 divisions in ‘44 – ‘45) not to catch the door in the jump, or slipstream. Later a lot of them went to the navy for similar reasons of warship constricted passages and hatches. There is a third design in which the brim angle is not pressed so it has a parabolic outline which served from 43-44 (till GRP – glass reinforced plastic ie kevlar brimless took over in the 70’s because APC’s -armoured personnel carriers are also cramped). The purpose of the broad but parabolic third design which can be seen in the second lot of photos was it protected the neck when on lying the ground as it was impossible to wear jauntily with the chinstrap behind the head.

Des refugies juifs sur un bateau arrete. - Dimitri Kessel

Refugies juifs... 1948 - Photo Dimitri Kessel

Des personnes agees evacuant le quartier juif de Jerusalem
et se dirigeant vers la Porte de Sion . Juin 1948 - John Phillips


Banquet-diner pour les soldats de la legion -
Avril 1948. John Phillips


Refugies arabes envahissant un bateau anglais qui le menait a Acco.
Mai 1948 - John Phillips


Soldats de la Hagganah - Mai 1948 - Frank Schersche


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