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Posté par: gilou (IP enregistrè)
Date: 21 mai 2013 : 11:59

I'm insulted. I'm extremly glad that this article come up in my google alert. I grew up with apartheid here. and for the last year's I get angry because we always hear apartheid in Palestine. I started visiting Gaza and west bank 7 years ago. ive even stayed in tel Aviv twice. the Palestinians do not understand what apartheid is. after being in Palestine I saw Palestinians in Israeli government. I saw over a million Palestinian living in Israel with rights. everything I learn when I was there was that there may be discrimation but to say apartheid is a insult to us that lived with apartheid. I was in west bank last November. I could not believe how much west bank has prosper in the last 2 years. buildings being built. many stores. shopping plaza. everyone dressing nicely. I still donate through the UN for Palestine. but I don't think I'm going to anymore. using apartheid for propaganda purposes is an insult to us. the Palestinians do not know how good they have it. the west bank is still better then where I live in pretoria. and muslims in Israeli government is a big sign that show no apartheid. I'm tired of being lied to. and most of my friends here after they visit west bank they say the same thing. I'm sad, im angry the Palestinians lie about this. try living in a real apartheid in 1980s south Africa. west bank is like a heaven. and almost all Israelis I speak to want peace. almost no white south African before would believe we were even allowed to walk on streets. this Palestinian propaganda must stop, because if anyone with a open mind come visit there, they would see prospering city with lots of buildings and great dressed people. what Is funny is that in Israel I would see Muslim amongst Israelis. but in Gaza and Arab west bank, they would never allow Jewish people into their area. I'm starting to believe apartheid is alive and well in Gaza and west bank since only one peoples there. in Israel it is diverse, with diverse people in government. apartheid is lie, and disrespect to true apartheid victims.......thembi

Thembi , Pretoria, South Af. (05.21.13)

Ce Sud Africain a ecrit ce commentaire dans un quotidien Israelien en reponse aux accusations palestiniennes,Je suggère que le plus grand nombre d'entre nous le remercie en lui ecrivant à son adresse qu'il publie courageusement

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